domingo, 14 de noviembre de 2010


This week's prompt:

LONELY: 1. lone; solitary; without company, companionless. 2. remote from places of human habitation. 3. standing apart; isolated.

No se olviden de visitar el blog de Justine Gordon y

8 comentarios:

Justine dijo...

I absolutely LOVE this reflection, what a perfect place to sit and be lonely, a lovely shot.

Tiffany dijo...

today I embrace my loneliness....

Anónimo dijo...

Looks like a lovely place to sit. Love the reflection.

Rosie Grey dijo...

This is beautiful! I lovely place for loneliness!

Bethany dijo...

simple and lonely - but that reflection adds beauty!

Unknown dijo...

WOW.. Such a wonderful shot.. I just love that refection..

Lou Belcher dijo...

Perfect. Love the photo and the reflection. I have shots of benches and didn't even think to use them this week. Very good depiction of lonely.

carmen dijo...

Que linda foto,tan plácida.
¿es tuya?

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